The British Hereford bull Normanton 1 Passionabull, imported into France in 2018 and presented at SIA 2020 in Paris (photo attached) by his French owner Guillaume Deslandes, was awarded first prize at the virtual French championship 2020 organized earlier this month. Normanton 1 Passionabull was born in August.2016 and bred by TD & WT Livesey, Manor Farm, The Hollow, Normanton Le Heath, Leicestershire. He is owned by Guillaume Deslandes, La Ville André, 56490 Ménéac, France.
Normanton 1 Passionabull pictured at the Paris Show in February 2020
Writes AHDB’s Remi Fourrier: “This is a great achievement for Guillaume who has regularly presented high quality Herefords at the Paris Show year after year. Also this is tremendous recognition for British genetics in a market where a number of origins are used to produce a carcass that suits the discerning French butchers.”